Friday, April 20

Benefits Of Plants Binahong

Benefits Of Plants Binahong
Enjoy the wonderful binahong leaves to treat many types of diseases. But not many people know the benefits of the blade binahong. Binahong is a type of leaf that is grown in relation to medicinal plants in different places, including the lowlands and highlands, and has many benefits for health and medicine. Binahong crop grown in Indonesia is already a long time, but has recently been widely used alternative medicine plant material.    Benefits binahong sheet that was originally derived from the Korean region is
said to have been a long time when the Vietnamese army has fought against the Americans. Binahong leaves were often used as a medicinal plant by the people in China, Korea and Taiwan for thousands of years. The factory in China, Chi San Dheng known. In addition to the roots, stems and tubers daunya this plant can be used as a drug. 
Enjoy Binahong role in herbal medicine     Benefits binahong sheets are used as herbal medicine to treat a wide range of diseases and disorders. Serious illness categories coughing / vomiting blood, lungs, shortness of breath, diabetes, ulcers, acute fractures, kidney inflammation, low blood pressure, mild concussion, and itching.What is the category of minor ailments, Ruhr, ambient, nasal bleeding, burns, acne, intestinal swelling, bleeding gums, impotence, menstrual disorders complaints and smoothness to maintain resistance. The effect can be very binahong this can be achieved in different ways can chew the leaves or directly into the gutter and can be prepared as a tea.     Currently binahong much leaves treated in various types of medicines and cosmetics. We can easily find a tea made from leaves binahong. Binahong leaf tea from the dried leaves binahong prepared, if we want, we need only menyeduhnya mengknsumsinya with warm water. 
The content of the leaves Binahong      Is the content of other anarchists binahong sheets included, are antimicrobial. Antimicrobial substances in the leaves binahong highly reactive with some bacteria that cause infections of burns and open wounds to keep a sharp object. Exceptionally binahong leaves because the leaves contain ascorbic acid binahong accelerate the increase in resistance to infection and speed healing.

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