Tuesday, May 22

Secret Benefits Of Mango

Benefits Of Mango
Mango is a native fruit of India. Mango plant has many varieties. There is no mention at least there are 2000 kinds of mangoes in the world. Besides the sweet and refreshing mango was also good for health benefits. Because fruit contains
substances that are needed by the body. Mango fruit is known to contain antioxidants that neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and lead to health problems such as heart disease, cancer and premature aging.

Benefits because the sleeve as the human body really was amazing. In a pregnant woman wishes to be preferred. Moreover, if we talk about the economy, this fruit is one of the most popular products, and provide material benefits to farmers and sellers. Because many people who also liked automated many Akan buy it.

Some Of The Benefits Of Mango :

  1. Antioxidant properties of mango as Mango Body was a source of beta-carotene, potassium, and vitamin C. Beta-carotene is a substance in the body is converted into vitamin A (nutrients essential for the functioning of the retina). Beta-carotene (and vitaminC) are also classified as antioxidants, compounds that can provide protection against cancer because it can neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules produced by the body's normal chemical processes, solar or cosmic radiation, cigarette smoke and other environmental influences.
  2. Benefits of fruit mango for therapies For example for the Cleanser blood, Lower heat bodies, and Eliminate body odor. Mango is considered to cleanse the blood stream and reduces excess body heat. Besides mango is also good for eliminating body odor.
  3. Useful to suppress cancer experts believe the mango is the source of a carotenoid called beta crytoxanthin, namely cancer buster good material.
  4. Mango contains Potassium Potassium has a lower risk of stroke increases the regularity of heart rate functions, enable kotraksi muscles, and helps blood pressure. Adequate potassium intake may reduce the effects of sodium in the blood pressure increases, and freely contribute to a reduced risk for stroke. One study showed that when someone adds a high-potassium fruit into the daily diet, the risk of fatal stroke can be reduced by 40 percent. Extra potassium intake of 400 mg per day can reduce the possibility of getting heart and blood vessel disease. Potassium are abundant in mango. Every 100 grams of mangoes contained 189 mg of potassium. By eating a mango harumanis very small size (at least 250 grams), or a mango gedong medium size (200-250 g), potassium sufficiency as much as 400 mg per day can be met.
  5. To maintain health Gigi and Gusi In addition to the functioning as an antioxidant, vitamin C has a function maintain the and spur vessel health-vessels capillary, health teeth and gums. He helps iron absorption and can inhibit the production of natrosamin, a cancer-promoting substances. Vitamin C can also make permanent normal connective tissue and aid in healing wounds. The content of vitamin C is quite decent mango taken into account. Every 100 grams of edible ripe mango supply as much as 41 mg of vitamin C, a young mango and even up to 65 mg. Means, by consuming 150 grams of ripe mango or a mango puppet 200 grams (1/2 small pieces), the adequacy of vitamin C is recommended for male and female adult per day (60 mg each) can be met.
  6. Good for digestion, healthy eyes, mouth, throat and gallic acid content of the mango is very good for the digestive tract. Whereas content of riboflavinnya very good for eye health, mouth, and throat.
  7. The fruit is also rich in glutamine acid that's essential for protein concentration and memory. Mencamil than chips and pastries, slices of mango eating better while you learn.
  8. High iron content of the substance is good for pregnant women and patients with anemia. But, do not be excessive, consult your physician first untukmendapatkan dose according to your condition.
  9. Problem of blockages in the pores of the face, Tempelkanlah mango slices into your face and wash after ten minutes.
  10. Has a problem with tract digestive, no there is fruit which can help the many as does mango. Mangoes can aid digestion because they contain enzymes that digest protein form.
  11. Mangoes are rich in potassium, so good for lowering blood pressure. In addition, the mango also contains pectin, fiber materials that can lower cholesterol levels in the body.
  12. Some studies suggest consuming mango may reduce the risk of kidney stone formation.
  13. Although not traditionally considered an aphrodisiac, mangos contain vitamin E which membantung improve one's sex life. Vitamin E is necessary to set one's sex hormones.
  14. To overcome the skin inflammation that is used is the skin of mango fruit. The way the skin of mangoes 150 grams cooked with enough water to boil. In warm conditions the cooking water is used untu kmencuci the skin of the experienced pain or inflammation. This herb can also be used to treat eczema.
  15. Influenza disease can also be overcome with this fruit. How, 200 grams of meat plus 10 g of mango ginger, and two white leeks. These materials are boiled with 500 cc of water to the remaining 250 cc. filtered water and then drunk while still warm.
  16. They usually travel sickness can also use mango to overcome them. The way the previously dried mangoes and boil with enough water. After a warm honey to taste and add 10 cc of water and stir until blended jeruknipis. The next herb is drunk while warm.
How to choose a delicious mango, if you want to buy a mango can pick a good mango with a yellowish green color, smooth skin and a sweet aroma. Avoid selecting pieces that are too loud or too soft, discolored, or smells of fermentation.

You can get the Benefits Of Mango fruit to eat every day. All fruits have their efficacy, including Mango Fruit. It is time consuming Mango fruit from now.

Prevention is better than cure.

Some sources 

See Also Other Fruits Secrets :